Did You Know That Bacteria Can Actually Be A Necessary Tool For Health?

Did You Know That Bacteria Can Actually Be A Necessary Tool For Health?

Although it has been ingrained for years that bacteria is a bad thing, more and more studies each day show that the Microbiome – a collection of all the bacteria and fungi in our bodies – is actually a necessary tool for health. There are roughly 10X more bacteria and fungi cells than human cells on our bodies! These GOOD bacteria have specific tasks to protect the body from birth by recognizing and setting off the proper immune response. In addition, these bacteria help with digestion, colon health, and overall health. A good way to grow and maintain your good bacteria is to eat a diet high in probiotics and prebiotics (the fuel for probiotics). You can get probiotics naturally from fermented foods like sauerkraut and kimchi as well as Kombucha drinks. Prebiotics are high in root vegetables like Jerusalem artichoke, onions, and garlic! In addition you can find high quality supplements that contain the beneficial bacteria as well.

Below is a fun, animated video showing your Microbiome at work!


Source: NPR.ORG